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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Hammersmith

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Hammersmith

    Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Hammersmith

    If you’re looking at this page, it’s very likely that you need more information on drug and alcohol rehab in Hammersmith.

    Going into this process with a full view of it, having done as much research as you can, is the best way to prepare.

    The process of drug and alcohol rehab in Hammersmith, or anywhere else, is generally divided into a few key stages. It starts off with our initial conversations with you, to figure out exactly what you need.

    The next step after that is detoxification, followed by rehabilitation, and then aftercare.

    It’s important that you look at each of these stages individually, looking into the kinds of treatments and formats featured during each (with residential vs at-home treatment being an example), that might suit you the most.

    If it’s a path you’re considering going down, you should also fully look into every residential place you’re considering. Find out what treatments they offer, where they’re located, and what their specific rules are.

    All of this will eliminate the fear of the unknown and it could be helpful when deciding your treatment later on.

    Here, we’re going to try and get you started by going over the most important signs of addiction. Then, we’re going to talk about the treatments that are most commonly available during this process.

    For more information about drug and alcohol rehab in Hammersmith, call our 24/7 helpline at 0800 326 5559.

    How Can I Know for Certain that I’m Suffering from Addiction?

    Before you get started on any actual treatments, and before we get started on telling you about them, it’s important that you’re clear about your specific situation.

    In certain circumstances, it can even be hard to figure out if you actually have an addiction.

    Of course, on the other side of things, you might be worried about a loved one and inexperienced on this subject. There is however a clear list of signs and symptoms to look out for, which is helpful in both scenarios.

    You should try and seek help if you’re concerned about addiction on any level. But you should particularly look out for:

    • An inability to stop, despite the harm caused in various areas of your life. This is what defines addiction.
    • Withdrawal symptoms if you do attempt to stop. These can physically hinder recovery massively and occur after dependence has developed. This means that your body has become reliant on drugs and/or alcohol after a long period of use. The best way to get through withdrawal symptoms is a professionally supported detox.
    • Increased tolerance to drugs and/or alcohol. Do you find yourself needing to take more to get the same effect? This is one of the biggest signs that dependency is developing and that withdrawal symptoms could develop soon. If you’re only at this stage, it’s especially important to get help, as recovery will be far easier when your addiction is in earlier stages.
    • An increased lack of commitment to events or activities that you would’ve previously been enthusiastic about. You might also become disorganised, or even just irritable. Of course, snapping at someone a bit more than usual on its own doesn’t necessarily mean that you have an addiction. But you’ve got to look at the bigger picture. Personality changes can be a big part of that.
    • Physical symptoms like bloodshot eyes disrupted sleep patterns and an increased lack of hygiene

    If you’re reading all of that and are still unsure, you can always talk to us at OK Rehab. Either in messages or on the phone, we’ll be able to analyse your situation and set you on the right path.

    Our Assessments

    More specifically, we’ll start with a casual conversation and then move on to a formal assessment. The reason we do this is to establish key facts like:

    • How long your addiction has been happening for
    • How deep-rooted it is overall
    • The level of support you have
    • The kinds of treatments that might suit you (although that will be a very early thought rather than anything set in stone)

    For more information about drug and alcohol rehab in Hammersmith, call our 24/7 helpline at 0800 326 5559.

    Will Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Hammersmith Help me Recover?

    Person smiling

    Drug and alcohol rehab in Hammersmith unfortunately won’t cure you. Addiction is a lifelong disorder that is more managed than cured.

    But it can help you to recover from your current state and get your life back. Through various treatments, we can give you life skills and coping mechanisms that will help you move forward with your life.

    All you need to do is reach out to us.

    What Addiction Treatments does Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Hammersmith Offer?


    Now let’s talk about the actual treatments available. They can generally be divided into two categories: physical and mental, as addiction itself has both a physical and mental side.

    The most significant physical treatment is the already-mentioned detox stage. This usually lasts about 3 weeks.

    Your intake will slowly be reduced until your dependency has broken down and you’re ready to move on to the next stage.

    Other physical treatments also commonly offered during rehab include massages, acupuncture and reflexology.

    However, like all treatments discussed here, what’s available can vary depending on where you go.

    Then of course there are mental health treatments. One of the most popular is cognitive behavioural therapy, where you work through cognitive distortions. These are toxic thinking and behaviour patterns that often prevent recovery.

    Similarly, motivational interviewing centres around a series of questions that encourage you to change your behaviour. These aren’t designed to catch you out or judge you. The idea is for you to re-examine and find places where you can change. In that way, it’s similar to cognitive behavioural therapy.

    Finally, there’s also group therapy, as well as art and music therapy.

    Outside of therapy and counselling, other kinds of mental health treatments exist too. Support groups, for example, can play a huge role in a lot of people’s recovery. Meeting other people in similar circumstances can really help you to feel less alone.

    Furthermore, these groups allow you to share your story and hear the stories of others. This can be a freeing process for all involved.

    Get Help Today

    For more information about drug and alcohol rehab in Hammersmith, call our 24/7 helpline at 0800 326 5559.



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