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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Ilford

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Ilford

    Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Ilford

    Too many people suffer in silence when it comes to drug and/or alcohol addiction. If they just reached out, they would feel so much better in the long run.

    If your addiction is severe enough, rehab could even save your life.

    At OK Rehab, we can help you with drug and alcohol rehab in Ilford, through our assessments and treatment plans. It of course goes without saying that we’ll give you full emotional support through what can be a very difficult time.

    Here, we also have more information on how the rehab process can benefit you. We also have a guide to the key signs of addiction and some more information on starting your recovery journey.

    Before we start talking about specific kinds of treatment, we should also note that every case is different. Substances can affect people in different ways and be addictive on different levels.

    For more information about drug and alcohol rehab in Ilford, call us today at  0800 326 5559.

    How Can Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Ilford Help Me?

    A woman smiling

    At this point, you’ll probably have heard that drug and alcohol rehab in Ilford, or anywhere else, is the best option to overcome addiction several times. But why is this the case?

    The truth is that addiction is mostly too complex to handle alone. There’s even evidence that it changes the way your brain works – that’s not something that one person can overcome easily.

    There’s also a physical and a mental side to addiction. Both need to be overcome with expert help, which is most easily accessed via rehab.

    During drug and alcohol rehab in Ilford, we first deal with the physical side via a professionally supported detox. This is done at the beginning of your treatment and is designed to end your dependence on drugs and or alcohol before you get started with the rest of your treatment.

    Then we can move forward to the section that focuses on mental health and life skills. This involves various kinds of therapy and counselling, in addition to support groups and workshops. There are often a few more physical treatments at this stage too, including massages and acupuncture.

    Key Signs & Symptoms of Addiction


    Although addiction is a very broad and varied subject as we’ve already discussed, there are a few key signs you should look out for. Even if you’re not suffering from all of them or any, these could still be important to learn.

    Like awareness of any disorder or illness, learning to recognise the signs could really help you or others in the future. Some of the most significant signs of addiction are:

    • An inability to stop, ignoring any negative consequences
    • Physical effects like bloodshot eyes and an increased lack of regard for hygiene
    • Withdrawal symptoms if you do attempt to stop
    • Increased tolerance for drugs and or alcohol, with an example being needing to take more to get the same effect. This is often a sign that dependency is developing, which makes addiction much more difficult to treat

    How Soon Should I Reach Out for Help?

    When it comes to addiction, the sooner you get help the easier your recovery will be. As a disorder, it nearly always worsens over time. You’ll likely develop dependencies that will be much harder to break if they’re well-established.

    Having said that, you should try and seek help at any stage of addiction. Although it might be a harder journey, it’s never too late to try and make a change.

    For more information about drug and alcohol rehab in Ilford, call us today at  0800 326 5559.

    How to Begin Your Journey


    Now let’s talk about how you can get help on a practical level. The first avenue to contact OK Rehab is either via our website or our phone number.

    If you’re simply looking for advice on how to deal with addiction or where to go next, either of these helplines will probably be most useful to you.

    If you’d like us to develop a specific treatment plan for you, we’ll start that journey with a more formal assessment. As treatment often varies so much from person to person, it’s important that we get your answers to a few key questions before we get started. These can of course vary, but some of the most important ones are:

    • What are you addicted to?
    • How long has your addiction been happening/how long have you been using/drinking to unhealthy levels?
    • Does anyone else know about your addiction/what levels of support do you currently have?
    • What’s your previous experience with treatment?

    How to Deal with the Addiction of Someone You Care About

    It can also be hard to be on the other side of addiction, watching someone you care about suffer. It can be difficult to know what to do. OK Rehab can help you too.

    Operating alone, the best thing you can do is try to talk to the person. Even if their initial response isn’t positive, you’ll at least have the subject out in the open.

    Sometimes you do need a bit of extra support, especially if you’re unable to get through to the person suffering from addiction. If you feel like it’s something you need, we can help you with an intervention.

    For more information about drug and alcohol rehab in Ilford, call us today at  0800 326 5559.

    How to Deal with the Addiction of an Employee or Colleague

    at home

    Things can get even more tricky in a work environment. There are of course more levels of formality, and you might not know the person as well. Either way, it might not be appropriate to comment in the same way.

    But in a way, there are also more ways you can support the person. Knowing that the organisation you work for fully supports you can go a long way. If you’re at a high level of authority, you can also look into company policy.

    You can consider what would and wouldn’t be helpful to someone suffering from addiction and change things accordingly.

    Even if you’re not at that level in the company or organisation, you can still work to create an addict-friendly space. Most of all, if you know someone is getting treatment for addiction, you should ask them what they’d be comfortable with.

    Get Help Today

    Last of all, if you need further advice, you can always call our helpline. We offer advice on any addiction-related issue, to anyone.

    For more information about drug and alcohol rehab in Ilford, call us today at  0800 326 5559.


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