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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Yeovil

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Yeovil

    If you or someone you love is thinking about pursuing rehabilitation, then it’s important to know exactly what constitutes this and what type of rehab and programmes may be most suitable.

    Across the Southwest of the UK in 2020, there were over 450 deaths associated with drug poisoning[i], a number only reflecting those who may not have received help in time and not the countless others who are looking for help every day.

    Getting Help For Your Drug and Alcohol Addiction

    Two women hugging in a room of people

    Addiction and the support associated with it are often very new concepts to many seeking help. This is one of the many reasons why researching the different options available is the best way to start when thinking about rehabilitation.

    Below, we have highlighted and summarised a few of the different programmes that you may experience as part of rehabilitation in a specialised centre:


    This is generally the first step of entering rehab.

    Removing harmful substances that may be left in the body as a result of drug and alcohol abuse is required before the individual is ready for further treatments.

    Without this step, the individual would be unprepared for addiction treatments. A detox allows for both physical and mental readiness – both of which are required for treatments later during the rehabilitation process.

    The processes and requirements for detoxification differ across every individual. This is due to the different substances, length of abuse, and personal differences.

    Counselling/talking therapy

    Counselling can happen in one of two ways.

    First, and perhaps more stereotypically, is one-to-one or individual therapy. This involves the individual and a trained professional counsellor.

    The counsellor may use therapies such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and this type of therapy is considered very personal and emotional, though the counsellor and other trained staff will be available throughout the process.

    Another type of therapy commonly used in rehab centres is group therapy. This involves sharing and listening to experiences from others.

    Sharing experiences in this way helps many as it is more casual and open. It also gives many people the opportunity to learn from others and their experiences.


    Even after leaving a specialised rehabilitation centre, you will never be left alone with your addiction.

    During your stay, as well as after, you will undergo aftercare training and relapse risk prevention programmes. The combination of different aftercare treatments prepares you best for returning to life in Yeovil once having left rehab.

    These are vital skills for returning to a relatively normal life.

    Any individual who has experienced rehab or rehabilitation treatment programmes in the past understands the importance of aftercare treatment, and the facilities offered through OK Rehab strive to provide this with every suggestion.

    Having access to these services even after leaving rehab massively decreases the risk of relapse, as well as the risk of returning to rehab more than once.

    Rest assured, OK Rehab is available 24/7 to discuss anything related to what you have read, anything you would like to know, or any further queries.

    Getting help in Yeovil today

    Ready to take the next steps? OK Rehab is available to discuss your needs and requirements at any time.

    Our helpful and friendly team is trained to deal with every request in a confidential way, and no issue is too trivial or too serious.

    Call us on 0800 326 5559 or contact us through our website to start your rehabilitation journey after just one telephone consultation.

    Our team is ready to help you overcome your addiction and manage it completely.

    We also offer a range of services across the UK and the surrounding areas in Somerset such as Weston Super Mare, Taunton, Glastonbury, and Bath.

    Contact us today to see if your area is covered.


    [i] Office of National Statistics; Number of deaths related to drug poisoning, persons by local authority, England and Wales, registered in each year between 1993 and 2020



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