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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Bannockburn

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Bannockburn

    Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Bannockburn

    When you first tried drugs or alcohol, likely, you did so in an exploratory way. This might have happened with people you considered friends at the time.

    For many, this dive into drink and drugs might be short-lived or returned to occasionally. However, for some, returning to the substance can hold more of a grasp.

    A person might return to substances because they want to feel happy, and relaxed, or to reduce stress. When this type of behaviour becomes regular, an addiction can occur.

    The problem with addiction is that it creates many negative side effects from the personal as well as affecting people all around you. This is a disease which impacts, and at its worst, tears families apart.

    What’s The Prognosis For a Person Who Has an Addiction?


    Well, this boils down to what the person wants and how motivated and determined they are to achieve what they want.

    Anybody who has struggled with a drink or drug problem understands how impossible it is to manage. It’s not simply an illness that disappears. Like other conditions, it requires treatment.

    To discover what treatments are available in the Bannockburn region, contact OK Rehab by calling 0800 326 5559.

    What’s The Difference Between Using Substances Often and Addiction?

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    Some people use drugs every month but who could stop and wouldn’t crave them? Even some people who do it every week might fall into this category. This is especially the case where some people use substances because they’re with others who do.

    A Lot of Substance Misuse is Situational

    For many people, though, repeated use becomes more regular and before they know it, it’s as regular to pick up the substance as it is a loaf of bread. At this point, it’s clear that a person has become addicted.

    Other factors reveal an addiction including:

    • Spending time thinking about or stressing over getting your next drink or hit.
    • Having mood swings and more emotional responses.
    • An effect on your diet.
    • An effect on your sleeping pattern.
    • Financial debt and related stress.
    • Issues in relationships with people who care about you.

    What’s vital to remember is that however, a person uses alcohol and drugs, there are serious consequences for their health. Also, the more regularly you use it, the sooner these effects can start to unfold.

    What Do You Need To Stop Using Substances?

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    There are a few pillars that you need to structure your recovery from. These include the following:

    • The development of helpful character traits including a willingness to change. It’s really important that, from the get-go of recovery, you are honest with yourself and others. You’ll also need to be willing to try doing new things. The alternative to trying new things is staying as you are and the way you are now is maintaining the addiction. It’s time to accept you need to focus on becoming a new you. The amazing thing is that you get to decide who that is.
    • Treatment. Using alcohol and drugs hooks into your physical and mental self. An illness is created. The only way to overcome an illness is by accessing the treatment and learning how to use this to become a healthy person.
    • Connection and accepting support. It can be difficult to accept that you need help, especially in a society which places so much emphasis on being an individual. Support from professionals, peers, and people who are close to you will make it easier for you to recover. Addiction by its nature can be extremely isolating, but through opening up to others and sharing, you reduce your problems and open yourself up to new suggestions.
    • Taking part in new meaningful activities. This is essential as part of creating a new you and making yourself a life that you enjoy. When you fill your life up with learning, hobbies, or interests, you are better able to enjoy it and build resilience which is essential in helping to prevent relapse.

    Associated Health Risks and How to Heal

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    The health risks when using drinks and drugs regularly are much higher. People will be at an increased risk of developing mental health issues, chronic illnesses in the organs, diseases, and viruses.

    Substance addiction both lowers immunity and in some cases directly causes diseases.

    One miraculous thing is how the body can heal when you put healthy substances, like nutritious meals and drinks, into it.

    Being active and doing things that support your ability to relax is also vital. When you introduce these things into your life and stick to them, you’ll feel much better within yourself and feel more able to explore new opportunities.

    What Rehab Clinics Offer You to Support Your Recovery

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    Rehab clinics are essential for people with moderate to severe addictions who want to recover. They provide a solid foundation for you to build your new life by equipping you with psychological and social tools to use.

    At rehab, you undergo psychological treatments that will help to reframe the way you handle triggers. You’ll start to understand what you can do every time you think of the substance.

    Alternative therapies offer you activities such as yoga, mindfulness, and art and music therapy. These are great activities to express yourself in new ways and can inspire you to think about what activities you’d like to start upon leaving rehab.

    Group sessions that follow a 12 Step structure provide a non-judgmental environment where you can learn from others who are in a similar space to you. This is a wonderful way to connect with others and to understand what positive influences can bring to your life.

    The rehab team offers a twelve-month aftercare plan. This will outline the following:

    • What to do in the event of relapse.
    • The necessary ongoing outpatient treatments you might take part in (i.e. fortnightly counselling, 12 Step groups, or art therapy).
    • Lifestyle changes you need to make that you’ve identified as being good ways to support a life of sobriety (such as regular exercise or spending time with positive people).

    Statutory-Funded Addiction Programmes Near Bannockburn

    Here are a few options near you.


    1. Addictions Support & Counselling (ASC)

    Address: The Steeple, 65 King St, Stirling FK8 1DT

    Telephone: 01324 874969


    2. Glasgow Addiction Services

    Address: 871 Springfield Rd, Parkhead, Glasgow G31 4HZ

    Telephone: 01415 650200


    3. Forth Valley Alcohol and Drug Partnership

    Address: Admin Area 5 Stirling Community Hospital, Livilands Gate, Stirling FK8 2AU

    Telephone: 01786 454787

    In addition to this, there are more helplines such as Mind UKYoungMindsRethink Mental IllnessSamaritansPapyrus and SMART Recovery that will also help with your recovery.

    Alternatively, find an Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous or Cocaine Anonymous near you. The NHS are also there to help you.

    We offer services across Stirlingshire, Scotland, including Aberfoyle, Argaty, Ashfield, Balfron, Bannockburn, Buchany, Callander, Cowie, Craggan, Craigforth, Deanston, Doune, Gargunnock, Gartmore, Glassingall, Keltie Bridge, Kersemill, Kilbryde, Kippen, Kippenross, Kirkton, Mugdock, Old Plean, Old Sauchie, Plean, Port of Menteith, Sheriffmuir, Springkerse Industrial Estate, St. Ninians, Stirling, Strathblane, Strathyre, Stronachlachar, Thornhill, Trossachs and more. 

    To get the support you need to go to rehab, call OK Rehab on 0800 326 5559.


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