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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Twickenham

Find help and support for addiction via drug and alcohol rehab Twickenham

    There are a lot of harmful stereotypes about those suffering from addiction. From what’s portrayed in the media, to the biased news reports across a number of sources, individuals with addiction are not usually shown in a positive light.

    At OK Rehab, we want to dispel these stereotypes and provide aid to those most in need. Whether it’s answering a call or admitting a client to a rehabilitation centre, our team will never judge you or make you feel ashamed of your situation.

    Call us today on 0800 326 5559 to begin your rehabilitation journey today.

    What is an addiction?

    man sat on edge of seat

    There are several common factors that constitute an addiction. As a specific definition, addiction is thought of as a strong dependence on something (a substance, shopping, gambling etc.) with an increasing ‘threshold’ needed in each consumption for the same effect.

    What makes an addiction so dangerous is the difficulty in stopping this behaviour. Even if someone attempts to quit an addiction, their body may work against them in this endeavour.

    Addiction does not always need to be satisfied every day, but there will be strong patterns in behaviours, thoughts, and excuses relating to the addiction.

    Many people suffering from addiction claim to have overcome it, but continue their behaviours behind closed doors or away from judging eyes.

    Though the individual knows that this is not a healthy lifestyle choice (as they are hiding it from loved ones), they can still be physically unable to stop and are therefore caught in a cycle of addiction.

    Breaking this cycle is the first step to rehabilitation and recovery. Admitting to the addiction and seeking help are often two of the hardest stages when progressing through this programme which is why OK Rehab aims to make it as easy as possible.

    Not knowing how to ask for help


    Individuals with an addiction are often caught in complex dilemmas.

    For example, an individual may be caught between hiding their behaviours and seeking help. By admitting to their addiction, they would also have to admit their truth to those around them.

    Lives can often spiral very quickly when trapped in these types of circumstances. Though it isn’t as severe for every case, addiction is a serious disorder and must be treat as one.

    Often, people first think to contact their local doctors or GP, but these often come with lengthy waiting lists and are not always suitable for more urgent cases.

    OK Rehab is available 24/7 to discuss any queries relating to addiction. Whether you just want more information, or if you are ready to start thinking about a dedicated rehab centre, our team is ready and waiting to receive your call.

    Have a confidential chat with one our team members on 0800 326 5559 today.

    Treating an addiction

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    In most examples of previous cases, detoxification is the first step to rehabilitation.

    This process comprises of the removal of toxins in the body left as a result of substance abuse and is essential for preparing the body, both physically and mentally, for the continuing treatment programmes throughout a stay in rehab.

    In a rehab centre, this process will be fully supervised for the comfort and well-being of the individual as well as for general support and safety.

    In addition to this initial process, rehab centres also offer a range of addiction treatments such as therapy, relapse risk prevention, and family support.

    More recently, some modern and well-equipped centres are beginning to offer additional therapies such as art, music, and exercise. Not only are these highly effective in treating addiction, but they also provide activities to participate in during a stay in a specialised centre.

    Withdrawal symptoms and associated issues

    A woman sat behind a sofa looking anxious

    Though not every case is exactly the same, withdrawal symptoms are extremely common when going through a detox.

    These can vary from mild effects such as headaches to much more serious health complications such as heart palpitations and strokes.

    Withdrawal symptoms are often underestimated, and many people believe that ‘going cold turkey’ is the best way to overcome substance abuse quickly.

    OK Rehab does not recommend this method as many withdrawal symptoms can cause long-term issues if not properly managed at the time.

    If possible, it is always recommended to enter a detox clinic throughout the period of withdrawal, even if to leave the centre after the detox process is complete. However, this is not always suitable or affordable.

    Call OK Rehab today to discuss other options for managing and assisting with withdrawal symptoms.

    Not seeking help

    There is clear evidence to show what happens when people do not seek help for an urgent addiction. Over 430 people died from drug poisoning across London in 2020[1].

    Though this number encapsulates a wide range of definitions, it is a good reflection of the harm that can be done when help is not sought.

    The best way to recover from an addiction is to keep an open mind. If you are focused on rehabilitating and returning to life as normal in Twickenham, then hold on to the idea of an addiction-free life and apply it to every treatment or programme you may come across.

    What you put in is what you’ll get out – it is not a one-sided process.

    Contact OK Rehab today

    With help from our specialist team, OK Rehab is ready to help you.

    Giving us a call will allow us to assess your situation and suggest the next steps and programmes available in your area.

    Additionally, please feel free to contact us to talk about anything you have read today or any further queries about addiction.

    Across London, we also provide services in numerous other areas such as Croydon, Greenwich, Islington, Hackney, Westminster, Chelsea and Kensington, Notting Hill, Kingston-upon-Thames, and Lambeth.

    These are just a few examples – call us today on 0800 326 5559 to check the services provided in your area.


    [1] Office of National Statistics; Number of deaths related to drug poisoning, persons by local authority, England and Wales, registered in each year between 1993 and 2020



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